Back-file Scanning of Voter Registration Documents
Access Imaging Solutions, LLC, provided several Texas County Elections Departments with the power to scan, index, and upload voter registration information, making them easily accessible to all elections staff.
Time it took to find cards was endless
Need for better interdepartmental access to records for increased convenience and efficiency
Limited space, though storage demand continue to grow
Needed approximately 500,000 images of voter applications and supporting documents scanned, indexed and uploaded into their Voter Management System
Convenience of having one system for viewing voter registration activity for over 100,000 registered voters
Efficient for elections to assist polling place officials and voters
Immediate access made voters feel confident in the elections staffs' answers to their many questions
Converted files to an electronic format and completed the job in record time
Every ton of paper that gets recycled saves 20 trees, three cubic yards of landfill space, 7000 gallons of water and produces 73% less air pollution than making paper from new materials. It also saves enough energy to power the average home for 6 months!